Our Mission

To live and grow as a church in the Roman Catholic tradition
by devotion to God in worship, doctrine, ministry,
and loving service to each other and to the people entrusted to us.

      (click here)


Pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Virtually


Stations of the Cross & Soup and Salvation

Holy Week Schedule


Parish News & Events

Disciples Maker Index: Help Those Who Help Us 

(sign up for a session to share your thoughts ~ register)

Saint Charles Seminary Appeal

First Friday Devotions at St. Charles Borromeo, Drexel Hill

 Do You Have a Passion?

Churches are open daily for prayer & devotion




Religious Education Program Flyer and Registration Form

Young Disciples Flyer Grade 7-12

Delco Young Disciples Webpage





Archdiocesan & Area News


Jubilee Year 2025

Create Your Catholic Legacy

What did the Vatican say about human cremains

Commissioning of 10 new Ministers of Mercy

Catechetical Institute

“Called to Service” A Mini-Documentary Permanent Deacons of Philadelphia

Meet Our Newly Ordained

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary Appeal




Financial Reports

Pastors Letter 2024


Precious Reports 2023 – 202120202019

Pastor’s Letter 2021

Thieves and scammers are sending e-mails and text messages
claiming to be from the pastor or parish staff
asking for gift cards because of an emergency.
These are fake.  Please do not respond to them.