Altar Servers
Contact: The Rectory
You must have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion and be in the 5th grade. Servers are scheduled on a rotating basis for all Masses. Also, weddings, funerals, holy days, and all special services.
Adult Altar Servers
Contact: The Rectory
Our adult servers help with funerals (when the children are in school) and can be scheduled on a rotating basis for all Masses. Also, holy days and all special services.
Contact: The Rectory
Lectors are scheduled on a rotating basis for all Masses, holy days and special services.
Eucharistic Ministers
There are certain requirements that enable a parishioner to become a Eucharistic Minister. Because of these requirements, Eucharistic Ministers are selected and appointed by and at the discretion of the Pastor.
Contact: The Rectory
Through sung prayer, cantors enjoy praising God, growing musically and spiritually, and enjoying each other’s friendship. Cantors help the members of St. Pius X (the gathered Assembly) to rightfully claim their role as full, conscious, and active participants in the liturgy through their gift of singing. Cantors experience a deeper involvement in scripture and liturgy. Cantors must live in conformity with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Ministers of Hospitality
Contact: Joseph Lenski
Ministers of Hospitality greet parishioners at all Masses, usher, make the collections, and hand out materials when necessary.
Bereavement Ministry
Contact: The Rectory
Our Bereavement Ministry along with our parish organist will help you to plan a Funeral Liturgy. They will instruct you on how to choose readings and music for the liturgy.
Altar Linen Ministry
Contact: The Rectory
Collecting, washing, ironing and returning the linens used at Mass. The skill needed is just a simple process of laundering the linens. A group of parishioners will participate in a simple weekly rotating schedule.
Each week a volunteer picks up the soiled linens, which were used for the Sunday and weekday Liturgies, to take home and wash and iron. These linens are then returned before the following weekend. You would do it on a rotating schedule every few weeks. The only qualification you need is to show a desire to serve our Lord behind the scenes.
Contact: The Rectory
If your specialty is baking we would love for you to donate to our flea markets, Christmas bazaar, memorial fund reception and any other special occasion that would arise.
Cleaning the Church
Contact: The Rectory
At certain times of the year we need help cleaning the church. The work is divided into small amounts so you do not have to spend too much time.
Counting the Collection
Contact: The Rectory
The Archdiocese recommends that we have at least 5 or 6 small groups to count the weekly collection.
Contact: The Rectory
In general we always need help for fundraising events.