

Parents should call the rectory to schedule a baptism. You must be a REGISTERED, ACTIVE member of the parish for at least one full year. An active parishioner is one who attends Mass regularly (weekly), receives the sacraments, if married, it was in the Catholic church, and financially supports the parish. Godparents need letters of eligibility from their parishes.

Baptisms are celebrated on Sunday at 12:00 PM or other times with permission of the pastor.

Eligibility Slips For Baptism and Confirmation
Are you being asked to be Sponsor and need a Letter of Sponsorship? Make sure you are an Active Parishioner. To receive a letter of Sponsorship for Baptism or Confirmation from the Pastor, one has to be an active parishioner of this parish for at least six months, be of age, received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist), and if married, be in a valid Roman Catholic Church recognized marriage.

The Partnering Parishes of St. Charles Borromeo Church, Drexel Hill, and Sacred Heart Church, Clifton Heights, defines an “active/participating parishioner as one who is registered and worshipping at this parish on a regular (“weekly”) basis; and who supports the parish with their time, talent and treasure.

First Penance & First Holy Communion

Sacraments are celebrated annually in the Spring ~ April and May

Your child must have completed the first and second level of Religious Education to be eligible to receive these Sacraments.

Baptismal certificates must be presented, if NOT baptized at Sacred Heart Parish or St. Charles Borromeo Parish.  Please call the rectory for exact date and time.


Your child must have completed the required level of Religious Education to be eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

If new to the program due to coming from another school your child must be registered from September. We will be unable to take anyone into the program to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation after the month of September.

Please contact the rectory for specific information.


Arrangements for marriage must be initiated at least six months in advance to prepare necessary documentation, instruction, and preparations.

At the time of your first scheduled appointment, we ask that you each bring updated baptismal certificates. Call the churches where each of you were baptized (Catholic & Non-Catholic) and ask for an updated baptismal certificate.  The church will gladly mail them to you.  Please call the rectory and schedule an appointment with the priest.

Reconciliation (Confession)

Confessions are heard Saturday 3:00-3:45PM

Anointing of the Sick

If your loved one is in the hospital and wishes to be anointed or have a visit from a priest, please tell the nurses station.  They will add your loved ones name to a list. There are designated priests who visit every hospital.

Communion Calls

Please call the rectory to place your name on the list  for our Eucharistic Ministers to visit.